Oswald D'Mello
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust
Honorary Senior Lecturer Edge Hill University
Clinical Lead- MMed Regional Anaesthesia
PECS Block: A Novel Technique for Day Case Breast Surgery
Charlotte Runge
Anesthetist & PhD fellow
Centre of Elective Surgery
Silkeborg Regional Hospital
The Analgesic Effect of Obturator Nerve Block added to a Femoral Triangle Block after Total Knee Arthroplasty - A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ashok Kumar Balasubramanian
Assistant Professor
Department of Anaesthesiology, Cirtical care and Pain Management
Saveetha Medical College Hospital, Saveetha University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Evaluation of Time Taken to Confirm Tracheal Intubation in Real Time by Ultrasound Versus Capnography in Elective Cases at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Shannon L. Roberts
PhD Student
Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery
University of Toronto
Cadaveric Study of Ultrasound-Guided SI Joint RF Ablation